Developmental Delay
Developmental Delay
Babies and children acquire skills (developmental milestones) in different areas of development in a predictable sequence. When children do not reach the expected milestones, they may have Developmental Delay. There is a wide age range of normal child development.
Developmental delay can present as:
Lagging behind other children in gross or fine motor, language, social or thinking skills
Hearing loss and or vision problems
Continued infant-like behaviour
Problems with sleep, attention or aggression
Difficulty in controlling and coordinating movement
Problems with posture, balance or coordination
Academically behind other children
Many factors are associated with increased risk of developmental delay including:
Birth complications
Genetic characteristics
Exposure to toxins
When To Seek Medical Opinion
Seek medical opinion if:​
Motor skills
Loss of acquired motor skill e.g. unable to walk after established walking
Unable to hold objects placed in hand by 5 months
Unable to reach for objects by 6 months
Not able to sit unsupported by 12 months
Unable to walk by 18 months or run by 2.5 years
Unable to point at objects to share interest with others by 2 years
No speech by 18 months, especially if it is not compensated by communication using other means e.g. gestures
Loss of acquired speech once established
Concerns about your child’s ability to fix and follow
Development of squint
Unable to give eye contact
Unusual eye movements
Hearing loss - either at birth or later (be mindful that not all congenital hearing loss is present at birth)
Noticeably small or large head size or significant changes (drop or gain of two lines in your child’s red book) in the head circumference .
Concerns regarding your child’ s development raised by another clinician e.g. health visitor or GP
Developmental screening questionnaire suggests that your child may be delayed
As a parent you feel something is not right
Treatment for developmental disabilities is based on the presentation. Early intervention promotes a more holistic development.
The needs of the child or young person need to be recognised and interventions offered for a more holistic development.
Recommendations can be made for special education services and specialised treatment programs.
The range of treatment options apart from a paediatric intervention include:
Speech therapy
Occupational therapy
Life and social skills training
Behavioural therapy